Epa Green - miljövänligt WordPress-tema
og体育首页ONE - Obegränsad nedladdning för 12.40$/mån

July 29, 2024:
- Minor bugs fixed.
Epa Green (January 31, 2024):
- WordPress 6.4 compatible;
- Elementor Page Builder 3.19 compatible;
- Minor bugs fixed.
Epa Green (July 31, 2023):
- Minor bugs fixed;
- Elementor Page Builder 3.14 compatible;
- WordPress 6.2 compatible.
Epa Green (February 7, 2023):
- Minor bugs fixed;
- Elementor Page Builder 3.10 compatible;
- WordPress 6.1 compatible.
Epa Green (January 6, 2021):
- Minor bugs fixed;
- Elementor Page Builder 3.5 compatible;
- WordPress 5.8 compatible.
35 Reviews for this product
The beautiful and amazing template I'm happy that I chose the theme. It was easy to install and with a sample date to import the webiste was up and running in just few clicks
Loved this template and and love template monster. Being able to give your client several themes to choose from, reduces guess work by so much that it makes me more competitive in the long run. It cuts production time by at least 50% and helps increase profits while reducing the customers costs.
Template facilmente personalizzabile, ricco di opzioni , plugin e componenti. Ben architettato per le visualizzazioni responsive, in entrambe le modalità landscape e portrait. Il file di help per la configurazione completo, utile anche per utenti Wordpress esperti. Questo template è perfetto per aziende che vogliono emergere in un'ottica green. Elementor poi facilita il cliente che desidera apportare piccole modifiche in autonomia. Lo consiglio a tutti.
Al momento de actualizar, hay que comprar los pluggins asociados.
Das Theme ist farblich sehr schön abgestimmt!! Die mitgelieferten Bilder sind sehr gut und man kann sie individuell austauschen, sodass man nicht mehr viel nachrüsten muss! Die Installation war sehr sehr einfach und man konnte den Democontent schnell einfügen. Bei mir war die Theme Installation innerhalb weniger Augenblicke erledigt und ich konnte mit dem Ausgetalten beginnen.
Allem in allem ist das Theme mehr als empfehlenswert!!
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